

发布时间: 2024-05-16 23:25:01北京青年报社官方账号





Another factor contributing to China’s achievements has been opening-up, which has helped China to leverage its comparative advantages and raise its competitiveness and development level by integrating it into the global division of labor and industrial and value chains. In this process, we have also endured huge pressure, paid a high price, and experienced growing pains. Some obligations China assumed upon WTO accession far exceeded what was required of a developing country and even approached the level of a developed member. For example, China undertook to cut tariffs for agricultural products to around 15%, only one quarter of the world’s average level and lower than that of many advanced economies. Some industries in China were inevitably affected in the open marketplace, leading to bankruptcies and lay-offs. In some sectors, domestic brands came to be outnumbered by foreign ones, such as in passenger vehicles.


Another report, commissioned by the China Consumers Association and published on March 6, also shone a light on the mounting pressure on mothers who have to juggle work and breast-feeding.


Apart from Zhangjiakou, hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are being promoted in several cities in China, including Beijing, Shanghai and Foshan in Guangdong province.


Apart from small and micro-businesses, agriculture and rural residents are also key targets for inclusive finance, said Wang Shuguang, a professor at the School of Economics at Peking University. Many counties don't have a structured financial system and innovation should be encouraged to coordinate all financial resources to lead more private capital to rural areas as a way to promote inclusive finance, he said.


Antjuan Seawright, a Democratic strategist in South Carolina who advised Hillary Clinton's presidential campaigns, said black voters' continued support of Biden showed a disconnect between news headlines and voter sentiment.


